

Implementation of a Genetic Algorithm to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem.



(this space intentionally left almost blank)

Travelling Salesman Problem

This is an alternative implementation in Clojure of the Python tutorial in Evolution of a salesman: A complete genetic algorithm tutorial for Python And also changed a few details as in Coding Challenge #35.4: Traveling Salesperson with Genetic Algorithm

The Problem The travelling Salesman Problem asks que following question:

"Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city and returns to the origin city?" - Wikipedia

This implementations uses a genetic algorithm to find the shortest route between cities.


  • Neanderthal: math functions
  • write data to file
  • Clojure.string: join all the data in a single string
(ns travelling-salesman-problem.core
  (:require [ :as io]
            [clojure.string :as str]
             [math :refer [abs sqrt pow]]]))


Create a record for Cities and Individuals. This is the same as creating a class for each one. In Clojure it is the same as a simple map.

The City is a point and has 3 keys, a :name and a :x and :y coordinates.

(defrecord City [name x y])

The Individual represents the genomes in the Genetic Algorithm. Each individual has a parent (except on the initial population) and the :parents key may be used to track its evolution in each generation.

(defrecord Individual [route total-distance fitness normalized-fitness])

Utility Functions

Check if the given directory path exists.

(defn dir?
  (.isDirectory ( path)))

Create a directory.

(defn mkdir
  (.mkdirs (io/file path)))

If the path doesn't exist, create it.

(defn ensure-directory!
  (when-not (dir? path)
    (mkdir path)))

Save the evolution data into a CSV file for statistics purposes. Example path: "./ga_output".

(defn save-historical-data
  [path file-name data]
  (ensure-directory! path)
  (let [d (str/join "\n" data)]
    (with-open [w (io/writer (str path "/" file-name) :append true)]
      (.write w d))))

Calculate the distance between two cities.

As the cities are just points, just calculate the distance between two points with sqrt((xa - xb)^2 + (ya - yb)^2).

(defn distance-between-cities
  (let [city-a (first city-pair)
        city-b (second city-pair)
        dist-x (abs (- (:x city-a) (:x city-b)))
        dist-y (abs (- (:y city-a) (:y city-b)))]
    (sqrt (+ (pow dist-x 2) (pow dist-y 2)))))

Distance between the first and second city:

(distance-between-cities [(first cities) (second cities)])
=> 10.04987562112089

Calculate the total distance of the route.

(defn total-distance
  (let [city-pairs (mapv #(vector %1 %2) (butlast route) (rest route))
        first-city (first route)
        last-city (last route)
        distances (map distance-between-cities city-pairs)
        ;; As city-pairs is a sequence of pairs from the first city to the last,
        ;; it misses the last pair which is last-city -> first-city. To make
        ;; this last calculation, calculate the distance between the last city
        ;; and the first to finish the full circuit and sum it to the total.
        last-city-distance (distance-between-cities [last-city first-city])]
    (+ (reduce + distances) last-city-distance)))

Total distance of the cities-list:

(total-distance cities)
=> 921.6346703083029

Calculate the fitness based on the route total distance. As distance decreases, fitness increases. 1 is the absolute best value.

(defn fitness
  (/ 1.0 (+ 1 (pow total-dist 8))))

Fitness of the cities-list:

(fitness (total-distance cities))
=> 0.0010850286260015397

Normalize fitness based on the max fitness of the population. This makes each fitness value correspond to a probability.

(defn normalize-fitness
  [individual population]
  (let [fit (:fitness individual)
        pop-fitness (map :fitness population)
        max-fitness (apply max pop-fitness)]
    (assoc individual :normalized-fitness (/ fit max-fitness))))

Generate a random route.

(defn generate-route
  (shuffle city-list))

Generate the initial population for the genetic algorithm with random routes.

(defn generate-initial-population
  [population-size cities-list]
  (repeatedly population-size
              (fn []
                (let [route (generate-route cities-list)
                      distance (total-distance route)
                      fit (fitness distance)]
                  (Individual. route distance fit 0)))))

Select a pair of parents from the population

(defn select-parents
  (loop [pop population
         parent-pairs []]
    (if (empty? pop)
      (recur (drop 2 pop) (conj parent-pairs (take 2 pop))))))

Combine the cities not present in the first route with the cities of the second route.

(defn combine-routes
  [first-route second-route]
  (let [fr-cities (set (map :name first-route))]
    (loop [sl second-route
           new-route first-route]
      (if (empty? sl)
        (let [city (first sl)
              is-present (contains? fr-cities (:name city))]
          (if is-present
            (recur (rest sl) new-route)
            (recur (rest sl) (conj new-route city))))))))


Select the best performing individuals.

With a random probability, pick the best individuals more often and the worse individuals less often.

(defn roulette-selection
  [population population-size]
  (loop [cnt 1
         selected-pop []]
    (if (> cnt population-size)
      (let [r (rand)
            pop (filter #(> (:normalized-fitness %) r) population)
            individual (rand-nth pop)]
        (recur (inc cnt) (conj selected-pop individual))))))

Select the population based on roulette selection.

(defn selection
  [population population-size elitism-size]
  (let [elites (take elitism-size (reverse (sort-by :fitness population)))
        selection (roulette-selection population (- population-size elitism-size))]
    (into elites selection)))


Combine a pair of individuals into a new one

Generate a new individual based on 2 parents. Select a random number of genes of parent 1 and fill with genes from parent 2.

(defn crossover-population
  [population population-size]
  (for [i (range population-size)]
    (let [parent-1 (rand-nth population)
          parent-2 (rand-nth population)
          route-1 (take (rand-int (count (:route parent-1))) (:route parent-1))
          route-2 (:route parent-2)
          new-route (combine-routes route-1 route-2)
          distance (total-distance new-route)
          fit (fitness distance)]
      (Individual. new-route distance fit 0))))


Change de genes of an individual.

Swap the order of some elements randomly for an individual given a probability.

(defn swap-cities
  [individual mutation-rate]
  (loop [swap-counter 0
         new-route (vec (:route individual))]
    (if (> swap-counter (count new-route))
      ;; If already looped over all the cities in the route
      ;; stop the loop
      (assoc individual :route new-route)
      (let [r (rand)]
        (if (< r mutation-rate)
          ;; swap cities within the probability of mutation rate
          (let [c-1 (rand-int (count new-route))
                c-2 (rand-int (count new-route))
                city-1 (nth new-route c-1)
                city-2 (nth new-route c-2)
                swap-cities (vec (assoc new-route c-1 city-2 c-2 city-1))]
            (recur (inc swap-counter) swap-cities))
          ;; if not swapped recur the unchanged route
          (recur (inc swap-counter) new-route))))))

Swap the cities of each individual and update its distance and fitness values.

(defn swap-and-update
  [individual mutation-rate]
  (let [new-individual (swap-cities individual mutation-rate)
        new-distance (total-distance (:route new-individual))
        new-fitness (fitness new-distance)]
    (assoc new-individual :total-distance new-distance :fitness new-fitness)))

Mutate each individual of a population.

(defn mutate-population
  [population cities-list mutation-rate]
  (map #(swap-and-update % mutation-rate) population))

Generate a new generation of a given population. A new generation is created based on selected individuals, which are crossed in pairs and then mutated.

(defn new-generation
  [population cities-list global-best population-size elitism-size mutation-rate]
  (let [pop (conj population global-best) ; with this, new generations will
                                          ; not forget the best individual
        normalized-population (map #(normalize-fitness %1 pop) pop)
        selected-population (selection normalized-population population-size elitism-size)
        crossed-population (crossover-population selected-population population-size)]
    (mutate-population crossed-population cities-list mutation-rate)))

Genetic Algorithm

The algorithms works as follows: - Start with a random initial-population - Normalize the fitness values - Start a new generation - Select the best individuals - Crossover the individuals - Mutate them - Update values - Loop

Run the genetic algorithm.

(defn genetic-algorithm
  (loop [generation 1
         population initial-population
         historical-best-distance []
         historical-distance []
         historical-fitness []
         global-best (first population)]
    (let [current-generation (map #(normalize-fitness %1 population) population)
          ;; Dont use normalized fitness values to select the best performing
          ;; individual as it is a percentage of the current population
          ;; and does not reflect the global best value.
          sorted-gen (sort-by :fitness population)
          gen-best (last sorted-gen)]
      (if print-progress
        (println (str "Generation: " generation
                      ", Best distance: " (:total-distance global-best)
                      ", Best fitness: " (:fitness global-best))))
      (if (= generation generations)
        {:population current-generation
         :historical-best-distance historical-best-distance
         :historical-distance historical-distance
         :historical-fitness historical-fitness
         :global-best global-best}
         (inc generation)
         (new-generation current-generation
         (conj historical-best-distance (:total-distance global-best))
         (conj historical-distance (:total-distance gen-best))
         (conj historical-fitness (:fitness gen-best))
         (if (> (:fitness gen-best) (:fitness global-best))


Number of iterations.

(def generations

Number of individuals in each generation

(def population-size

Number of best individuals to pass each generation

(def elitism-size

Rate at which the cities in a route will be swapped

(def mutation-rate

All the cities to find the route for.

(def cities
  [(City. "1" -100	0)
   (City. "2" 100	0)
   (City. "3" 0	100)
   (City. "4" 0	-100)
   (City. "5" -90	10)
   (City. "6" -80	20)
   (City. "7" -70	30)
   (City. "8" -60	40)
   (City. "9" -50	50)
   (City. "10" -40	60)
   (City. "11" -30	70)
   (City. "12" -20	80)
   (City. "13" -10	90)
   (City. "14" 10	90)
   (City. "15" 20	80)
   (City. "16" 30	70)
   (City. "17" 40	60)
   (City. "18" 50	50)
   (City. "19" 60	40)
   (City. "20" 70	30)
   (City. "21" 80	20)
   (City. "22" 90	10)
   (City. "23" 90	-10)
   (City. "24" 80	-20)
   (City. "25" 70	-30)
   (City. "26" 60	-40)
   (City. "27" 50	-50)
   (City. "28" 40	-60)
   (City. "29" 30	-70)
   (City. "30" 20	-80)
   (City. "31" 10	-90)
   (City. "32" -10	-90)
   (City. "33" -20	-80)
   (City. "34" -30	-70)
   (City. "35" -40	-60)
   (City. "36" -50	-50)
   (City. "37" -60	-40)
   (City. "38" -70	-30)
   (City. "39" -80	-20)
   (City. "40" -90	-10)])

Main Function

Run the genetic algorithm, print the best results and save the evolution-data.

(defn -main
  [& args]
  (println "\nStart Genetic Algorithm")
  (let [initial-population (generate-initial-population population-size cities)
        ga (genetic-algorithm initial-population
        best (:global-best ga)]
    (save-historical-data "./ga_output" "historical-best-distance.csv" (:historical-best-distance ga))
    (save-historical-data "./ga_output" "historical-distance.csv" (:historical-distance ga))
    (save-historical-data "./ga_output" "historical-fitness.csv" (:historical-fitness ga))
    (println "\nResults:")
    (println "- Shortest Distance: " (:total-distance best))
    (println "- Best Route: " (map :name (:route best)))
    (println "- Route size" (count (map :name (:route best))))
    (println "- Best Fitness: " (:fitness best))))

Execute code in REPL:
